Category: Maksullinen
Tommi Läntinen trio (
Pk Keränen & Valtteri Laurell (
Insomnium & Omnium Gatherum (East Coast Events)
INSOMNIUM and OMNIUM GATHERUM announce co-headline Live Stream Concert! Because of the exceptional circumstances all around the world, cultural events of all shapes and sizes are prohibited. This insists on new aspects and innovations from everybody involved in the business. So here we are!
Finnish melodic death metal’s heavy hitters Insomnium and Omnium Gatherum in co-operation with East Coast Events, AK Sound & Music Service, and Framenoir arrange Live Stream -concert next week’s Friday 4/10/2020 19:00 (EEST).
Both of the bands play live, and the participating audience is able to comment and react to the performance live. Apparent agenda of this all is to offer an opportunity for the fans to spend the moment as intuitive and interactive as possible with their favourite bands.
Markus Vanhala comments on behalf of both camps: ”If someone had asked me to do a live stream with ticket sales two weeks ago, my answer would’ve been hell no. But the world changes, apparently really fast when you’re in quarantine. Insomnium and Omnium Gatherum double trouble North American tour went pretty bad with the cancellation and the country (=WORLD!) shutting down right after we arrived at the airport to New York City… So this is what we can offer back for now, before this tour can be rescheduled sometime next year, hopefully. After staring two weeks to the wall inside four walls at home quarantine, I have discovered a hellish urge to go back on stage and play. Even if it would be an empty hall and pose for the camera eyes only, but to play with my booyas as live in concert as we can at the moment! With this stream production we try to help cultural field and concert promoting, our own crew, local entertainment companies and a bit also, our poor ourselves, as cancellation of the gigs and tours destroyed our income. Thanks for the huge support to our beloved fans!”
Check the live stream link in our bio! Tickets are on sale at the same site. the price for the Stream is 8,90€. Ticket will include live sets from both bands (recording of the show is also available 48h after live sets) and live chat with both band members between the changeover.
STINAKO (Vanha Navetta Live)
Teosto-palkitusta Color Dolor -yhtyeestä tunnetun Stina Koistisen sooloprojekti STINAKO livestream-keikalla Porvoon Vanhalta Navetalta pääsiäissunnuntaina klo 19. Lippu 9€. Halutessasi voit maksaa enemmänkin ja siten tukea muusikoita ja työryhmää vaikeina aikoina ja toivottavasti voimme tarjota näitä lisääkin.
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Instagram: @vanhanavetta
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